Something a little on the lighter side for this weeks project especially after the last couple of week's. A toy top made from walnut and turned on the lathe. So simple but so much fun as well. I think I needed something just this simple along with some down time to recover. It's lighthearted and brings me back to the simplicity of my childhood. I can watch the spinning top for what seems like hours just getting lost in the whirl.
In addition to this week's little project I had the honor of making the urn for Memommie, Callie's grandmother. I have a personal connection with everything that I make as there is a little bit of me that goes into every piece. However, in this case there was more, much more. Constructing Memommie's urn was beyond emotional and those hours spent in the shop were magical for me. So please excuse me for not posting photos of it, I'll keep those in my heart.
"You are not going to master your life in just one day. Just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doing that every day."
The quote reminds me to take each day as it comes. To do my best in the moment and to live life to the fullest. Sometimes, especially after a great loss it's hard to do that but the ones we've lost would have wanted us to live. To truly live.