Hi! I am David Micek and I have been building and creating things since before I can remember. My mom tells the story of me getting a set of 'toy' tools for Christmas when I was five. I would tote them to the country looking for fallen trees and cut off all of the limbs, nailing them back where I felt they belonged. This led to forts, tree houses and go carts among other creations as a child. In my teens I decided to build a cheval mirror for my sister. It seemed only natural that my first furniture project be bigger than me and not consist of a single straight edge or right angle.
I am completely self taught and have been lucky to have had more successes than failures. The closest thing to a class or formal education was watching Norm Abram's New Yankee Workshop on PBS. This, along with my curiosity and the desire to disassemble anything I could find and then put it back together, have assisted in my understanding the mechanics of how things work.
Thanks for the opportunity to create for you.
Some of the mantras that are important to me.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo de Vinci
"Don't stop until you're proud." - Unknown
That's me on the right, hammer in hand, with a neighborhood friend on the left and my brother in the stylish, striped pants.