This is the hardest posting I’ve written as this week we lost a truly amazing woman, my wife’s grandmother. She was the guiding light and matriarch of the Hays family. In memory of her this week’s project is a lighthouse perched on an oak burl left in its natural state. For me, it’s how I always viewed her and in my mind just seems fitting of her.
A lighthouse is constructed to withstand immense storms and is built to be sturdy and strong. June was that. She was a strong woman and as my wife says always seemed invincible. She was the protector for her family and kept them all safe. She offered direction and guidance with a gentle hand that had seen its time in the sun as well as the storms.
She was much like the lighthouse keeper as well. She was ever present, diligent and always on watch selflessly giving of herself. She kept the light burning and I saw it in her eyes and smile on every visit. In that smile I felt peace and hope. There was also joy and a little mischief when the sun was out. But if you needed anything she was there to offer guidance, an ear, her opinion, her hand or my favorite a comforting hug you felt all the way to your spine and in your soul.
As the lighthouse stands tall so did June “Memommie” Hays. She was her own individual in every way. A lighthouse is often placed at the highest point to be closer to the heavens and so now is Memommie. Even as I’m writing this with a sad heart I feel her warmth and light in my soul.