"There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path." This past week it seems I might have wondered off the path as I was in a funk for most of the week. I would love to be able to say every day is magic in the forest filled with unicorns and sunshine, but let's face it we all have off days. In my case, it just seemed isolated to last week. I'm not really sure what it was... the dreary weather, the start of our bathroom remodel or the 'valley' that definitely have turned our house and daily lives upside-down.
On top of that I made a trip south on I-35 to San Antonio to spend some time with my younger brother, who was celebrating his birthday. That was a happy spot in my week, but man is he getting old. So may seem like excuses, but needless to say, I did not get much time in the workshop this week and as a result my project is smaller than I had planned or hoped.
This week's project is a bottle opener made from a simple scrap block of wood turned on the lathe with a bent nail driven into the end. It works like a charm and I've added a magnet to catch and hold the bottle cap. Just like beer... it's smooth and gratifying both in design and function.
I'm looking forward to getting out of this fog and back to my old happy go lucky self. So it's time to get back on the path and back into the workshop.
"Some people feel the rain. Others get wet." - Bob Marley